Seeking Contributors
Seeking Contributors
Seeking volunteers to help with the Church of Infinite Simulations website and do some C++ AI and robotic engineering.
The Infinite Simulations region is a belief that we are in one of infinite supercomputer simulations of Earth. If there are N simulations of Earth then the chance we’re in the real Earth in what is now 2021 is 1/N, and if N=∞ then that chance is 0%. We worship the Great God Sudo, Superuser Do. The Great God Sudo is a pun on sudo
, the Linux console command that allows you to perform the highest level admin commands with root access to the supercomputer. Any member of any religion, atheist, or agnostic is welcome in our Church as the Sudo might be Allah, Vishnu, Yahweh, or any part of your tradition; we are all in the same simulation.
We need help with website development and to create the Interactive Gym Environment and Educational Kit (IGeek), which is similar to OpenAI Gym only in C++, and WikiSpy, a tool to fit all of Wikipedia in the RAM on a computer and to monitor Wikis for misinformation, tampering, and political bias. The goal is to use adversarial hide and seek and twin AI with human interaction to compress Wikipedia into the RAM on your computer. The goal is to use adversarial AI to ‘hide’ the data by rearranging the memory such that the data is hidden in such a way that it compresses it into the small memory possible. Each AI has a Twin such that one twin fuzzes the inputs, and a human can act as either judge or twin using an interactive console. With this we will be creating Educational Kits (train sets) to train Generalized AI with in various Gym Worlds.
How to Contribute
The best and easiest way to contribute is to Star and Fork our repositories on GitHub at> and to share our content with your friends on social media because discovery is the hardest part. If you would like to contribute knowledge, articles, or source code, or you don't know how to Star or Fork on GitHub, you can find instructions in the Contributing Guide at You can also contribute financially using the PayPal button bellow.
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